Books for experts
- Beginning C# 2008 From Novice to Professional
- Beginning C# 2008 Databases From Novice to Professional
- Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC Test: Intermediate Course – 4th Edition
- Beginning C# 2008 – Jack Purdum
- Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC Test: Introductory Course, Fourth Edition
- Accelerated C# 2008 | Trey Nash | Apress
- Web Design and Marketing Solutions for Business Websites
- The New Rules of Marketing and PR
- Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) m720p BluRay AC3 x264 – BiRD (Sub Việt)
- Advanced MPLS Design and Implementation
Posted: 03 Oct 2011 06:58 AM PDT
Now the problems are quite the opposite: we have too much documentation, we have 64-bit architectures, and everything including the kitchen sink is thrown into a development environment. Now we need to figure out what we actually need. We have too many options too many ways to solve the same problem. What I am trying to do with this book is the same thing that Charles did for me when I first started out, and that was to help me figure out what I needed to write code. This book is about explaining the C# programming language in the context of solving problems. C# has become a sophisticated programming language that can achieve many goals, but you are left wondering what techniques to use when. This book is here to answer your questions. This book is not a reference to all of the features of the C# programming language. I don't explain the esoteric C# features. I stick to the C# programming features that you will use day in and day out. That does not mean that you will be missing certain C# programming language constructs, because I have covered all of the major features. To get the full benefit of this book, I suggest that you do the exercises at the end of the chapters. The answers are available on the Apress web site (, and you can cheat and not do the exercises, but I advise against that. If you are a beginning programmer who has no clue about C#, and you read this book and do the exercises, I am almost entirely sure that you will be a solid and knowledgeable C# programmer by the end of the book. If that sounds like a big promise, well, yes it is. The chapter text is intended to get you acquainted with the C# programming language and how to apply its features. The exercises are intended to make sure you actually understand the C# programming language and its features. The chapter exercises are challenging. They cannot be solved within a few minutes. In fact, when I did all of the exercises, it took me five working-hour days to do all of them! If you have any questions, such as, "So what was he trying to get at with that exercise?" I am available on Skype with the user ID christianhgross. Please don't just ring me. First chat using text, and if necessary, we can have a voice conversation. Also, you can send e-mail to me at Thanks and good luck. Link: FileSonic | MediaFire | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 02 Oct 2011 06:00 AM PDT
This book has been written in such a way that beginners will easily understand the text and even professionals will benefit from the instruction within. If you want to use Visual Studio 2008 to build database applications, this is the right book for you; the text will not only walk you through all the concepts that an application developer may have to use, but also explain each piece of code you will write for example applications. The chapters in this book are organized in such a manner that you will build a strong foundation before moving on to more advanced techniques.
Who This Book Is For
If you are an application developer who likes to interact with databases using C#, this book is for you, as it covers programming SQL Server 2005 using C# 2008. This book does not require or even assume that you have sound knowledge of C# 2.0 and SQL Server 2000 and database concepts. We have covered all the fundamentals that other books assume a reader must have before moving on with the chapters. This book is a must for any application developer who intends to interact with databases using C# 2008 as the development tool; if this is you, then this book is a must.
What This Book Covers
This book covers Visual Studio 2008, SQL Server 2005, C# 2008, LINQ, and ADO.NET 3.5. All these topics are covered in the form of chapters that explain these tools and technologies using various concepts and code examples. We also modeled the applications used in this book on real-life applications, so you can utilize the concepts that you will learn throughout this book in your professional life.
How This Book Is Organized
This book is organized in such a way that concepts in each chapter are built upon in subsequent chapters. We also tried to make chapters self-contained, so the reader can concentrate on the chapter at hand rather than switching focus among the chapters to understand the concepts.The concepts explained in each chapter are demonstrated with code examples in the "Try It Out" sections, which are usually followed by "How It Works" sections that will help you understand each code statement and its purpose.
How to Download the Sample Code
All the source code is available in the Source Code/Download section at You will need to answer questions pertaining to this book in order to successfully download the code.Link: FileSonic | MediaFire | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 30 Sep 2011 06:04 AM PDT
This complete course gives students the skills, strategies, practice, and confidence they need to increase their scores on the new TOEIC test. Ideal for a TOEIC test preparation course or for self-study, the new Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC Test: Intermediate Course, Fourth Edition, is intended for students who achieve TOEIC scores from 300 to 600.
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Posted: 29 Sep 2011 06:00 PM PDT
This book is about C# 3.0 | Jack Purdum | WROX Chapter 2: Understanding Objects _19 Part II: Understanding C# Syntax Chapter 3: Understanding Data Types _53 Chapter 4: Understanding C# Statements _75 Chapter 5: Understanding Reference Data Types _99 Chapter 6: Making Decisions in Code _135 Chapter 7: Statement Repetition Using Loops _153 Chapter 8: Arrays _175 Part III: Writing Your Own Classes Chapter 9: Designing Classes _207 Chapter 10: Designing and Writing Custom Classes _233 Chapter 11: Exception Handling and Debugging _271 Chapter 12: Generics _299 Part IV: Storing Data Chapter 13: Using Disk Data Files _329 Chapter 14: Using Databases _395 Chapter 15: Inheritance and Polymorphism _443 Appendix A: Exercise Solutions _465 Index _495 Link: FileSonic | MediaFire | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 29 Sep 2011 06:00 AM PDT
Gives beginning through low-intermediate students the skills, strategy, practice, and confidence they need to increase their scores on the new TOEIC® test. Ideal for a TOEIC® test preparation course or for self-study, the Introductory Course is intended for students who achieve TOEIC® test scores from 200 to 500.
The Introductory Course features:
* New material that mirrors the format of the new TOEIC® test
* Step-by step strategies and skills to improve performance on each section of the test * More than 1,000 practice items that reflect the format and content of the new test * An audio CD that includes the Listening Comprehension Review section from the book * An audioscript that includes all the material recorded for the complete audio program * Two TOEIC® -length review tests, one for Listening Comprehension and one for Reading * Two complete Practice Tests, with accompanying TOEIC® test-style answer sheets, for diagnosis or assessment and to prepare students for TOEIC® test conditions
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Posted: 27 Sep 2011 08:28 PM PDT
I assume that you already have a working knowledge of some object-oriented programming language, such as C++, Java, or Visual Basic .NET. Since C# derives its syntax from both C++ and Java, I don't spend much time covering C# syntax, except where it differs starkly from C++ or Java. If you already know some C#, you may find yourself skimming or even skipping Chapters 1 through 3. Chapter 1, "C# Preview," gives a quick glimpse of what a simple C# application looks like, and it describes some basic differences between the C# programming environment and the native C++ environment. Chapter 2, "C# and the CLR," expands on Chapter 1 and quickly explores the managed environment within which C# applications run. I introduce you to assemblies, the basic building blocks of applications into which C# code files are compiled. Additionally, you'll see how metadata makes assemblies self-describing. Chapter 3, "C# Syntax Overview," surveys the C# language syntax. I introduce you to the two fundamental kinds of types within the CLR: value types and reference types. I also describe namespaces and how you can use them to logically partition types and functionality within your applications. Chapters 4 through 13 provide in-depth descriptions of how to employ useful idioms, design patterns, and best practices in your C# programs and designs. I've tried hard to put these chapters in logical order, but inevitably one chapter may reference a technique or topic covered in a later chapter. Chapter 4, "Classes, Structs, and Objects," provides details about defining types in C#. You'll learn more about value types and reference types in the CLR. I also touch upon the native support for interfaces within the CLR and C#. You'll see how type inheritance works in C#, as well as how every object derives from the System.Object type. This chapter also contains a wealth of information about the managed environment and what you must know in order to define types that are useful in it. I introduce many of these topics in this chapter and discuss them in much more detail in later chapters. Chapter 5, "Interfaces and Contracts," details interfaces and the role they play in the C# language. Interfaces provide a functionality contract that types may choose to implement. You'll learn the various ways that a type may implement an interface, as well as how the runtime chooses which methods to call when an interface method is called. Chapter 6, "Overloading Operators," details how you may provide custom functionality for the built-in operators of the C# language when applied to your own defined types. You'll see how to overload operators responsibly, since not all managed languages that compile code for the CLR are able to use overloaded operators. Chapter 7, "Exception Handling and Exception Safety," shows you the exception-handling capabilities of the C# language and the CLR. Although the syntax is similar to that of C++, creating exception-safe and exception-neutral code is tricky—even more so than creating exception-safe code in native C++. You'll see that creating fault-tolerant, exception-safe code doesn't require the use of try, catch, or finally constructs at all. I also describe some of the new capabilities added to the .NET 2.0 runtime that allow you to create more fault-tolerant code than was possible in .NET 1.1. Chapter 8, "Working with Strings," describes how strings are a first-class type in the CLR and how to use them effectively in C#. A large portion of the chapter covers the string-formatting capabilities of various types in the .NET Framework and how to make your defined types behave similarly by implementing IFormattable. Additionally, I introduce you to the globalization capabilities of the framework and how to create custom CultureInfo for cultures and regions that the .NET Framework doesn't already know about. Chapter 9, "Arrays, Collection Types, and Iterators," covers the various array and collection types available in C#. You can create two types of multidimensional arrays, as well as your own collection types while utilizing collection-utility classes. You'll see how to define forward, reverse, and bidirectional iterators using the new iterator syntax introduced in C# 2.0, so that your collection types will work well with foreach statements. Chapter 10, "Delegates, Anonymous Functions, and Events," shows you the mechanisms used within C# to provide callbacks. Historically, all viable frameworks have always provided a mechanism to implement callbacks. C# goes one step further and encapsulates callbacks into callable objects called delegates. Additionally, C# 2.0 allows you to create delegates with an abbreviated syntax called anonymous functions. Anonymous functions are similar to lambda functions in functional programming. Also, you'll see how the framework builds upon delegates to provide a publish/subscribe event notification mechanism, allowing your design to decouple the source of the event from the consumer of the event. Chapter 11, "Generics," introduces you to probably the most exciting feature added to C# 2.0 and the CLR. Those familiar with C++ templates will find generics somewhat familiar, though many fundamental differences exist. Using generics, you can provide a shell of functionality within which to define more specific types at run time. Generics are most useful with collection types and provide great efficiency compared to the collections used in previous .NET versions. Chapter 12, "Threading in C#," covers the tasks required in creating multithreaded applications in the C# managed virtual execution environment. If you're familiar with threading in the native Win32 environment, you'll notice the significant differences. Moreover, the managed environment provides much more infrastructure for making the job easier. You'll see how delegates, through use of the I Owe You (IOU) pattern, provide an excellent gateway into the process thread pool. Arguably, synchronization is the most important concept when getting multiple threads to run concurrently. This chapter covers the various synchronization facilities available to your applications. Chapter 13, "In Search of C# Canonical Forms," is a dissertation on the best design practices for defining new types and how to make them so you can use them naturally and so consumers won't abuse them inadvertently. I touch upon some of these topics in other chapters, but I discuss them in detail in this chapter. This chapter concludes with a checklist of items to consider when defining new types using C#. Chapter 14, "Extension Methods," covers a feature new to C# 3.0. Since you can invoke extension methods, like instance methods, on a type they extend, they can appear to augment the contract of types. But they are much more than that. In this chapter, I show you how extension methods can begin to open up the world of functional programming in C#. Chapter 15, "Lambda Expressions," covers another new feature C# 3.0. You can declare and instantiate delegates using lambda expressions using a syntax that is brief and visually descriptive. Although anonymous functions can serve the same purpose just mentioned, they are much more verbose and less syntactically elegant. However, in C# 3.0, you can convert lambda expressions into expression trees. That is, the language has a built-in capability to convert code into data structures. By itself, this capability is useful, but not nearly as useful as when coupled with Language Integrated Query (LINQ). Lambda expressions, coupled with extension methods, really bring functional programming full circle in C#. Chapter 16, "LINQ: Language Integrated Query," is the culmination of all of the new features of C# 3.0. Using LINQ expressions via the new C# 3.0 LINQ-oriented keywords, you can seamlessly integrate data queries into your code. LINQ forms a bridge between the typically imperative programming world of C# programming and the functional programming world of data query. LINQ expressions can be used to manipulate normal objects as well as data originating from SQL databases, Datasets, and XML, just to name a few. Link: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 26 Sep 2011 06:00 PM PDT
The best business websites serve their readers with strong content,well-architected design, and a focus on usability, readability, and accessibility. This book covers the fundamental aspects of building a website that works for the company, not against it. It covers the essentials of strong copywriting, and then dedicates several chapters to designing user-centric About, Products and Services, and Support sections. Your visitors come to your site because they are interested in your business and are therefore potential customers. This book covers taking advantage of that traffic by expanding the companys story through a corporate blog and using testimonials, case studies, and other third-party validation to reinforce the marketing message. With this knowledge you will be able to create and maintain a highly professional, polished business site. While a pleasing website is essential for any modern business, creating it is only a small piece of the online strategy. This book also discusses search engine optimization, using e-mail and RSS to communicate with customers and prospects, and advertising the corporate domain with paid search placement, online banners, text links, and more. The primary theme is using your corporate website to market the business effectively, from designing intelligent product pages to writing compelling e-mail newsletters. This book explores those ideas and offers compelling advice on how to take full advantage of the Web as a marketing medium.
In this book you’ll learn how to: - Implement best practices in corporate web design, with a focus on common sections such as About, Products and Services, Customer Support, and more - Use e-mail and RSS marketing to stay in touch with customers and prospects - Apply simple and effective search engine optimization techniques to push your website higher in search engine results - Advertise the site through e-mail, paid search placement, banner ads, and more - Write professional, accessible, and usable pages to make your site available to everyone Link download : : :Web Design and Marketing Solutions for Business Websites | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 26 Sep 2011 04:17 AM PDT
The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use News Releases, Blogs, Podcasting, Viral Marketing and Online Media to Reach Buyers Directly | David Meerman Scott | Wiley (June 4, 2007)| ISBN-10: 0470113456 ISBN-13: 978-0470113455This is truly a book not to be missed by anyone involved with communication and marketing–which is to say, everyone.Scott focuses usefully on the immense changes underway in the entire social media space. His descriptions and prescriptions are down-to-earth and actionable. Underneath the surface throughout is a focus on the need to serve to be effective in the turbulent waters of 21st century marketing and pr. In this way it's entirely consistent with the message of my forthcoming book, Serve to Lead. This book is highly recommended. In addition to adding great value, it's reader-friendly, and you will likely find yourself marking it up and returning to it time and again. Link download: : : The New Rules of Marketing and PR pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 24 Sep 2011 10:35 PM PDT
Transformers.Dark.of.the.Moon.2011.m720p.BluRay.x264-BiRD General Information: RUNTIME........: 2h 34mn SIZE...........: 3.20 GiB VIDEO CODEC....: x264 (L4.1) RESOLUTION.....: 1280x528 BITRATE........: 2 520 Kbps FRAMERATE......: 23.976 fps AUDIO..........: English AC3 5.1 448 Kbps SUBTITLES......: English (srt) CHAPTERS.......: None SOURCE.........: 720p BluRay (Transformers: Dark of the Moon 2011 720p Bluray DD5.1 x264-MHD) GENRE..........: Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi RATING.........: 6.6/10 70,783 votes IMDB link......:
Mediafire link download (17 parts):
Fileserve link download (17 parts + 1 sub in 1 foler)
This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 22 Sep 2011 06:00 AM PDT
Advanced MPLS Design and Implementation enables you to:Understand MPLS through a detailed analysis of MPLS architecture and operation Design and implement packet-based MPLS Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) using label switching routers (LSRs) Design and implement ATM-based MPLS VPNs using WAN-switched ATM LSRs Implement MPLS traffic engineering on your core network and optimize traffic flows dynamically Implement MPLS QoS and provide hard service guarantees with multiple classes of serviceAcquire practical design and implementation knowledge of real-world MPLS VPNs, TE, and QoS through case studies and configuration examples Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a highly scalable, high-performance forwarding technology that has multiple applications in the service provider and enterprise environment. This book is intended for internetwork engineers and administrators who are responsible for designing, implementing, and supporting service provider or enterprise MPLS backbone networks. It contains a broad range of technical details on MPLS and its associated protocols, packet-based MPLS, ATM-based MPLS, MPLS traffic engineering, MPLS QoS, MPLS design, and advanced MPLS architectures. This book contains MPLS theory, design, configuration, and various case studies. Use this book as a reference and guide for designing, implementing, and supporting an MPLS network. Even if you’re not using Cisco(r) equipment, this book can increase your awareness and understanding of MPLS technology as well as provide you with detailed design concepts and rules for building scalable MPLS networks. Advanced MPLS Design and Implementation is your guide to understanding, designing, and implementing MPLS VPNs, WAN-switched MPLS VPNs, MPLS traffic engineering, and MPLS QoS.\ Link download : : Advanced MPLS Design and Implementation pdf |
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