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ASP.NET 2.0 A Developer's Notebook |
ASP.NET 2.0 A Developer's Notebook | Wei-Meng Lee | OReilly
When ASP.NET hit the street a couple of years ago, it was areal eye-opener. Microsoft’s tool for creating dynamic,server side web applications introduced Web Forms, a featurewith the same rapid drag and drop convenience enjoyed byVisual Basic developers, along with a method for creatingXML-based web services. ASP.NET was more than an upgrade ofActive Server Pages it was a quantum leap ahead.Now Microsoft has a new version of ASP.NET as part of itsupcoming next generation release of the Visual Studio .NETdevelopment platform. ASP.NET 2.0 is already available inbeta release, and web developers are anxious to get a goodlook at it. That’s exactly what our new Developer’s Notebookallows you to do.
More than just an introduction to ASP.NET 2.0, thispractical guide acquaints you with all of the new featuresthrough nearly 50 hands-on projects. Each one placesemphasis on changes in the new release that can increaseproductivity, simplify programming tasks, and help you addfunctionality to your applications. For example, ASP.NET 2.0includes master pages, themes, and skins so you can buildapplications with a consistent page layout and design. Otherchanges allow for the automatic creation of web pages foruse on mobile devices, while wizards and controls allow youto perform frequent tasks (like data access) without havingto write a single line of code.
ASP.NET 2.0: A Developer’s Notebook also includessuggestions for further experimentation, links to on-linedocumentation, and practical notes and warnings from theauthor regarding changes to the new version.
The new Developer’s Notebooks series from O’Reilly offers anin-depth first look at important new tools for softwaredevelopers.Emphasizing example over explanation andpractice over theory, they focus on learning by doing you’llget the goods straight from the masters, in an informal andcode-intensive style. If you want to get up to speed onASP.NET 2.0 before its official release, this all lab, nolecture book will get you there
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